Home Safety
Home Safety
Keeping your home and property safe from fire is our priority. Losing your home to a fire is a scary thought, but there are simple steps you can take to help prevent house fires and keep your family safe.
Reduce or Avoid Loss
Smoke Detectors
Fire and smoke detectors are your first line of defense in a house fire. These simple machines save countless lives every year. Remember to check the batteries every year at time change and test alarms every month to ensure they are working properly.
Teach your children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do if they hear one. If you do not have a smoke detector or can’t afford one, contact Eastside Fire & Rescue or visit our resources here.
Home Fire Sprinklers
Home fire sprinklers can dramatically reduce heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire. Fire sprinkler systems have been around in commercial and public buildings for decades, but did you know they are available for home residences? Home fire sprinkler systems can reduce property loss per home by about 70%.
Nearly 85 percent of the time, only one sprinkler activates during a fire. And since sprinklers use significantly less water to suppress a fire than a fire hose, water damage is significantly reduced.
To help you learn more about home fire prevention, we’d like to share some helpful resources: